Institute of Advanced Studies for the Practices and Arts of Transformation

Getting organised to compose practices and environments.

The IASPAT works with ad hoc environments, partners and teams. A steering committee ensures the consistency and spirit of the Institute.

Steering Committee

Caroline Balley-Tardy is an urban planner, collective intelligence and collaborative innovation facilitator, trainer and life transition coach. A graduate of Sciences-Po Lyon, she spent a dozen years working in the decentralised departments of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, where she co-founded and coordinated the public innovation laboratory of the DREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (the Dre'Lab). She supports collective and regional dynamics using design, systemic and forward-looking approaches, with a strong emphasis on cooperation, creativity and life.

Bastien Gallet is a philosopher, writer and head of the MF publishing house. He has been a producer at France Culture, editor-in-chief of the journal Musica Falsa, resident at the Académie de France in Rome (Villa Médicis) and director of the Archipel festival in Geneva. With a group of friends, he founded the MF publishing house, which he still runs today. He has taught philosophy at art schools and directed several research programmes (including The Shape of Ideas at the Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon and Theatre and its doubles at the Haute école des arts du Rhin). He is the author of novels, opera librettos and several essays on music and the visual arts, and occasionally performs. He is interested in sounds, sound studies, sound art, sounds that make work without making music, what sounds tell us and what philosophy can say about them. In 2019, he took part in the creation of a carnival bloco in Rio de Janeiro, which will celebrate its fifth anniversary in 2024. Since 2016, he has been part of the "Pirate ecology laboratory: arts, sciences, territories", an independent project bringing together researchers, geographers, philosophers and artists around a particular territory (La Mhotte Farm, in the Allier region).

Isabelle Vercherat is a psycho-corporal therapist, trainer and supervisor. She holds a University Diploma in Alcoholology from the Faculty of Medicine in Lyon. Her experience as director of a health and addiction prevention centre has led her to work more specifically on primary attachment disorders and the basic needs of the very young. She also offers specific support on the theme of motherhood through prenatal singing, parenting and, more generally, caring education. She takes care to support independent well-being in a delicate and profound way, guiding us towards our free personality.

Benoît Verjat is a research designer and researcher. Working with scientists, researchers, artists, public institutions, situated collectives and performers, he takes care of surveys, collective dynamics, unexpected effects and practice environments. He trained in design at the École Supérieure de Design (Villefontaine) and HEAR (Strasbourg), and in 'art and politics' at the SPEAP experimental programme at Sciences Po (Paris). Since 2011 he has taught at ENSAD (Nancy) and is also an active member of the g.u.i. design collective. In 2015 he founded the experimental documentary film collective excellando with Alexis de Raphélis and joined the lighthouse theatre company. In 2019, he co-founded Quarante-sept Deux (Cosne-sur-Loire), a space dedicated to the relationship between artistic creation and everyday life. Since 2020, he has been working on a doctorate in anthropology at the LESC (Paris Nanterre), the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (Basel) and the Médialab de Sciences Po (Paris), focusing on transformative experiments involving movement, simulation and situational practices.

Patrick Degeorges is a practising philosopher. He advises various institutions (France Stratégie, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission, UNESCO, etc.) on issues of sustainability and organisational transformation. Since 2017, he has been designing and coordinating transdisciplinary and experimental professional training courses with leading schools (Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, Lyon Urban School, Strate Ecole de design, Michel Serres Institute, etc.). Between 2005 and 2010, at the Ministry of Ecology, he was responsible for cohabitation with protected predators (bear, wolf, lynx, cormorants, etc.). Then, from 2010 to 2017, as advisor on emerging and strategic issues, he took part in the design and implementation of public policies on biodiversity and adaptation to climate change, both nationally and internationally. Since its creation in 2021, he has chaired the French Chapter of the Club of Rome.

François Lewin is a mind-body therapist, trainer, supervisor and lecturer. He practices and teaches psychotherapy in Europe and Latin America. He is co-founder of the School of Biodynamic Psychology and the Biodynamic Psychology Centres in Montpellier (1982) and Paris (1995). In his teaching and lectures, he uses simple, concrete words to explain complex realities, integrating paradoxes and the different levels of Being into a non-dualistic vision. Deeply convinced of the richness of life, he knows how to convey confidence and freedom in everyday life. In his practice, he enables people to enjoy healing experiences of Being while respecting their individual rhythms.

Anaïs Roesch is helping the IASPAT to structure itself and launch its activities. A graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble, the Andean University Simón Bolivar and the Leipzig School of Fine Arts, she works on the intersection of art and ecology. During COP21 in 2015, she produced a festival dedicated to the climate issue with the COAL association. In 2019, she joined the energy transition think tank The Shift Project, where she initiated and co-piloted the report "Let's Decarbonise the French Cultural Sector". In 2021, with David Irle and Samuel Valensi, she published Decarbonizing Culture: Dealing with Global Warming, New Challenges for the Cultural Industry (PUG). She is currently preparing a PhD in sociology on the commitment of visual artists in the field of ecology in France (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IDHE.S laboratory).

Our Partners

Institut Michel Serres

Institut interdisciplinaire de recherche et de réflexion sur les ressources et les biens communs, fondé en 2012 sous le parrainage du philosophe et épistémologue Michel Serres. L'institut est implanté à Lyon, où il bénéficie d'un partenariat privilégié avec l'École normale supérieure.

Campus SMASH

Fondée en 1976, la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et de Sciences Humaines (SMASH) est une communauté de chercheurs et de management de projets.

Elle s’est peu à peu développée en organisant des séminaires, des formations, des études et surtout en établissant de nombreuses collaborations (CEA, CNRS, EDF, CE, ministères, ADEME, Renault…) pour faciliter la carrière de jeunes chercheurs.

Début 2023, la SMASH se dote d'un Campus de la Transition Écologique : formations, bibliothèque numérique sur l’environnement, la RSE, la comptabilité écologique… mais aussi des rencontres, conférences, workshops.

Club de Rome

Plateforme de divers leaders d'opinion qui identifient des solutions holistiques à des problèmes mondiaux complexes et promeuvent des initiatives et des actions politiques pour permettre à l'humanité de sortir de multiples situations d'urgence planétaire.

L'organisation a donné la priorité à cinq domaines d'impact clés : Nouvelles civilisations émergentes ; Urgence planétaire ; Recadrer l'économie ; Repenser la finance ; Leadership des jeunes et dialogues intergénérationnels.

École de Psychologie Biodynamique

Devenue l’une des principales écoles européennes de thérapie psycho-corporelle, accréditée par l’EABP (Association Européenne de Thérapie Psycho-corporelle), elle s’attache à garder l’esprit d’ouverture et d’innovation, et la dimension profondément humaine qui ont fait son succès depuis plus de 35 ans.

Elle a pour volonté de permettre à ceux qui ont choisi d’apprendre le métier de thérapeute psycho-corporel d’acquérir une forte compétence professionnelle d’abord ancrée sur leurs qualités personnelles.

Son enseignement concret ouvre à une compréhension de la dynamique vivante, apporte des réponses sensibles et complexes tant aux difficultés individuelles qu’aux problèmes de société.

Practice environments

La Ferme de La Mhotte

La ferme de la Mhotte est située au coeur du bocage bourbonnais, entourée de prairies, de fermes d’élevage et de bois. Sortie de la propriété, elle regroupe une vingtaine de personnes, habitant•es ou actif•ves, qui développent des pratiques agricole, brassicole, artistique, … et gèrent ensemble les communs de la ferme. Depuis une dizaine d'années, la Ferme de la Mhotte accueille chaque année des, des artistes, des designers, des praticien•nes. Le site « écologies pirates » témoigne des enquêtes réalisées par certains d'entre eux.

La ferme de la Mhotte est partie prenante d’un « territoire école » avec ses voisins : l'école Waldorf de la Mhotte, le centre de formation anthroposophique Foyer Michäel, des fermes en biodynamie et d’autres initiatives sociales ou culturelles (monnaie locale, école d’eurythmie,…). Ensemble et avec la grande diversité de praticien•nes qui y participent, le territoire-école expérimente un monde habitable, dans les temps troublés et incertains de l’anthropocène.

Kerminy, lieu d'agriculture en art

Lieu d'accueille les citoyen·nes et les professionnel·les à des temps de découverte, de rencontre, de travail et de recherche dans un lieu d'expérimentation et de création autogéré situé sur la commune de Rosporden en Cornouaille.

Quartier Rouge

Association fondée en 2006 qui explore depuis Felletin en Creuse, la capacité de l’art à déplacer les représentations du monde contemporain et à les partager.

Implantée sur un territoire porteur d’alternatives et d’actions intitées par des habitants, l’association s’inscrit dans cette dynamique en s’engageant dans une approche de médiation. Elle développe des collaborations avec des artistes, artisans, établissements publics scolaires et médico-sociaux, collectivités et habitants.