Institute of Advanced Studies for the Practices and Arts of Transformation

Learning to design and implement regenerative practices

Target Audience

  • People involved in projects to redirect their public or private organisations (business, politics, associations, cultural institutions, health, education, etc.)
  • Professionals interested in becoming stakeholders in transformation processes
  • Individuals undergoing a process of professional reorientation

Short Training Courses

Workshops, seminars and immersive experiences in environments of practice, in small groups, over periods of 1 to 3 days.

  • Putting the sharing of new experiences at the heart of learning
  • Let ourselves be inspired by what we feel
  • Acquire the ability to integrate experience
  • Support the transformative process over time
  • Clarifying responsibilities
  • Taking a systemic approach

For more information on short training courses, please contact us to define a suitable programme:

Long Training Course: an Auditors' Cycle

6 sessions of 1 to 3 days (10 days over 6 months)

In association with the Michel Serres Institute, the IASPAT is offering a course to train professionals who can devise and promote long-term strategies for systemic transformation within institutions, private companies and public services, by:

  • strengthening forward-looking capabilities to improve the robustness of organisations
  • stimulating speculative imagination to extend the realm of the possible by experimenting with new paradigms
  • acquiring a sensitivity to taking account of dimensions of reality that were previously unnoticed, ignored or repressed
  • embracing new questions arising from experience as a way of escaping from ill-conceived problems
  • developing skills in leading heterogeneous groups with divergent interests
  • creating conditions conducive to the formation of cross-disciplinary learning or research communities

Through this auditors' cycle, the Institute is contributing to the development of a new collective way of understanding the problems associated with institutional transformations in a context of uncertainty.

To describe his mission as an architect and designer, Andreas Branzi (1938-2023) uses the definition of the Werkbund (Union of German Workers), founded in 1907 as a reaction to the devastation wrought by the first mass industrialisation: "To make the world habitable again".

The Six Pillars of the Cycle

  • Collective investigations based on a systemic and sensitive approach to immersive exploration of interdependencies and interrelationships in a variety of environments
  • The creation of flexible groups based on trust, which make the most of their heterogeneity and learn from their mistakes
  • Situated teaching within an experimental field of research and creation at the crossroads of the humanities, the arts, bodily practices, personal care, and inspirations from both new pedagogies and approaches to institutional change.
  • A wide choice of speakers adapted to the specificities of the practices and experimental environments. Each auditor cycle is unique
  • Transformative practices developed and tested in a variety of local contexts
  • Documentation of practices, evaluation and monitoring of effects over time

For more information, please contact us:
Applications will be subject to a preliminary interview.